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Top Four Engineering Colleges of Dehradun

| Most Popular | May 14, 2013

Dehradun is also famous for Education and it is known as Education Hub. You can find many prominent Schools, Colleges and Universities here

Top Four Engineering Colleges of Dehradun

Dehradun is also famous for Education and it is known as Education Hub. You can find many prominent Schools, Colleges and Universities here

Dehradun, capital of Uttarakhand is one of the city in India with pleasant weather and great locations. Apart from locations and weather, Dehradun is also famous for Education and it is known as Education Hub. You can find many prominent Schools, Colleges and Universities here. When Universities and Colleges are concerned, most of the  Colleges in Dehradun offers various degree courses at different level. There are many Engineering Institutes and Universities which helps students to get higher education in their own city.

  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electricals & Electronics Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Automobiles Engineering
  • Bio-Technology  Engineering
  • Architecture and Planning

Here is the list of  Top 5 Engineering (B.Tech) Colleges in Dehradun

Dehradun Institute of Technology (DIT)

Rating: ★★★½☆ 

DIT is a leading technical Institute in Dehradun City, providing best faculty & maximum placement every year.  The Institute offers Undergraduate and Post graduate courses such as Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Information Technology.  Dehradun Institute of Technology said that if you are in DIT there is 80% probability of campus placement but to get admission in DIT is harsh.


Uttaranchal Institute of Technology (UIT)

Rating: ★★★☆☆

UIT is second among top Engineering  Colleges in Dehradun. It provide very good Infrastrcuture and its campus is situated in pollution free environment which is good for Students. UIT Palcement is also very good, lot of students get placement in various Multi-National Companies throught out the Campus.  UIT is also received an enthusiastic response from the aspiring students by choosing UIT as their other choice.  The Institute faculty is drawn from the leading Institute of Technology  and they also offered well organized training and placement cell.


Graphic Era University

Rating: ★★¾☆☆ 

Graphic Era University is a premier University of Technical and Management learning in Dehradun.  The University  has delivered world class Engineers , Managers and is a center for search  and specialized studies. Graphic Era University offers academic and professional programs at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level in Engineering, Management , Computer Application and Hotel Management. The University offers a vibrant cultural atmosphere that aids in extra curricular development and recognition of building talent.


Tula’s Institute of Technology

Rating: ★★☆☆☆ 

Tula’s Institute is one of the famous college of Engineering in Dehradun and Tula’s ranks the 5th position in term of placement and faculty.  Tula’s Institute is committed to offer the best infrastructure and facilities so as to ensure standards of excellence and supreme quality for the students. The mission of Tula’s is to create and disseminate by providing the quest quotient of our students with enthusiasm and excellence.


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